1561 Mason Bay Rd. Jonesport, Me 04649
We have hand held rakes for harvesting blueberries, (low and high bush), cranberries, huckleberries, herbs, sea glass, as well as rakes for cleaning horse stalls.
Standard Rakes
Rake Size (20T = 20 Tooth) Width Approximate Weight Retail Price Wholesale (12 or more)
Mini (Decorative) 4 1/2" 1 lb. $32.00 Inquire
Mini (Working) 4 1/2" 1 lb. $40.00 Inquire
20T 6" 1 1/4 lbs. $45.00 Inquire
30T 9 1/4" 2 1/2 lbs. $52.00 $48.00
40T 12" 3 1/2 lbs. $62.00 $60.00
45T 13 1/2" 4 lbs. $71.00 $65.00
50T 15 1/2" 4 1/2 lbs. $74.00 $69.00
55T 17 1/8" 5 lbs. $79.00 $75.00
60T 18 1/2" 5 1/2 lbs. $89.00 $84.00
65T 20" 6 lbs. $92.00 $88.00
70T 22" 6 1/2 lbs. $98.00 $92.00
75T 23 1/2" 7 lbs. $105.00 $97.00
80T 24 3/4" 7 1/2 lbs. $115.00 $110.00
85T $124.00 (N-W-)
90T 27 3/4" 8 1/2 lbs. $130.00
100T 31" 9 lbs. $150.00
110T 35" 10 lbs. $180.00 (inq.)
High Bush Rake 6" 1 1/2 lbs. $60.00 (N-W-)
NOTE: ALL STANDARd rakes come w/ ctr handle only
Item Description Size Approximate Weight Retail Price Wholesale
Herb Rake 9 1/4" 2 1/2 lbs. $70.00 Inquire
Cranberry Rake (hooded) 4 1/2" 3 lbs. $75.00 Inquire
Standard Huckleberry 6" 2 lbs. $70.00 Inquire
Rake with well
Wheeled Push Rake (basic) Inquire Inquire
Horse Stall Rake W 14" X L 15" 6 lbs. $75.00
Handle 48"
Blueberry Grader 2 lbs. $75.00
Row Planter
Specialty Rakes
Technical Data
Rake Type Spacing between Teeth
Type Tooth Diameter Decimal Metric
Standard Rakes .145 .224 5.7mm
Fresh Pak .135 .205 5.2mm
Herb Rakes .135 .145 3.7mm
High Bush Blueberry Rake .135 .240 6.1mm
Huckleberry Rake .135 .240 6.1mm
Cranberry Rake .135 .240 6.1mm
Rake Accesories
Item Description Size Price
Set of raised handles 10", 12", 14", & 16" $40.00 Installed
Set of raised handles 18" or larger $50.00 Installed
Identification Stamping No Charge
Bent Teeth $10.00
Ordering and Shipping Information

Orders gladly taken via telephone or order form.
We ship via Priority Mail per zip code.
Office: (207)497-5949
Shop: (207)263-8478
Office: 10am to 4pm
Shop: 8am to 3pm
1. List item
2. Provide zip code
3. Provide mailing address
4. Provide Telephone Number where you can
be reached.
An E-invoice will be sent back to you for your approval.
We ask first time customers to send TOTAL DUE from E-invoice. Payment MUST be in U.S. Funds, either in a check or money order. We do NOT handle Credit Cards.
When remittance is received, your order goes into the Shop. Shipments go out 10-14 days from receipt of remittance.
We ship Priority Mail as we find this gets the product to you in a timely fashion and in quality condition. We ship World Wide via Priority International.
Thank You !!
- Ike Hubbard, Proprietor